Tuesday, 24 July 2012

How to dye your hair.

If your hair weak, dull, brittle and / or split ends, the tincture can abuse them even more. First 
care  his hair , and then change the look.

We are now going through a step-by-step on the purchase of ink or Toner :

1 - Choose a color that you are sure you will like. Choose a color that has always liked, watch, search. Not always the tone you want looks good on you. Talk to your hairdresser.
2 - Do not make a radical change right away. If you are a brunette, not choosing to be blonde so suddenly. Choose another color first, as radical changes do not always like.
3 - Choose dyes without too many chemicals. The less ammonia, formaldehyde, etc.., Better for your hair.
4 - Choose a color that you can easily find. No use buying a color that you just saw in one place, because if this place does not decide to simply sell more than one color, you've seen what a disaster.
5 - Select a brand you trust. This is necessary because there are differences between one component and another brand and it is not advisable to stay ever-changing brand.
Now you can paint your hair the same:
1 - Follow the package instructions to the letter. If you think you can not, better go to a salon.
2 - Distribute the paint on the hair evenly, to avoid staining.
3 - Do not store the paint for later use. The paint oxidizes and can lose their properties.
4 - Let the right time to act. Spend more time with the paint will not make it "grab" more hair.She has a duration of action, after which time it can damage the hair or simply do nothing more.
5 - Rinse all the ink. No matter how long it takes, do not let in any way the paint on the hair because it can seriously damage the wires.
Now you can leave the beautiful house without their hair stained or brittle!

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