Who sees the hair Angelina Jolie , of give and take, even imagines she wears flat iron every day to touch the wires agree messy. For many, the consequence would be dry and dull strands. But neither is the case with the hair of the actress, who is always very bright and movement. After all, using the plank spoils your hair every day? "Sepassada the right way, no," replies the hair stylist Sergio Eloy, St. Paul. He explains that when you stretch the wires to the board, eventually sealing the cuticles and leaving them even more brilliant. Want to achieve a smooth and perfectly healthy ? So, learn from VIVA! the correct way to transform your look.
Pass the plate
1. After washing your hair, apply a leave-in and dry (the natural or dryer)
1. After washing your hair, apply a leave-in and dry (the natural or dryer)
2. When fully dry, divide it into four parts and secure with clamps.
3. Take strands of about 4 cm wide and pass the board at right angles (90 °) at least twice in each part and at most six, in the sense of the root length.
The secret is: moisturize , moisturize and hydrate
The interpreter of Isadora of Toma There, Can not let go Here to do a moisturizing deep in the fuses once a month. It is most certain! "When you wear something very aggressive on the hair, either flat iron or chemical, can not forget hydration," says Sergio. You know: when we see the wire with the ends sticking out, choose a good cream and moisturise the wires. "It may be in the same house," the expert guides.
The secrets to perfect smooth
Choose your shampoo ·
When washing, give preference to products for damaged hair or power to repair.
Choose your shampoo ·
When washing, give preference to products for damaged hair or power to repair.
· Cream without rinsing
After untangling, pass or leave-in cream termoativado.
After untangling, pass or leave-in cream termoativado.
· Impeccably dry
Unless the board is suitable for wires wet, dry them well before application.
Unless the board is suitable for wires wet, dry them well before application.
· With an eye on the temperature
If your equipment does not indicate the temperature from time to time remove it from the socket which is cooler.
If your equipment does not indicate the temperature from time to time remove it from the socket which is cooler.
· Repair length
After the procedure, go reparative ends of silicone.
After the procedure, go reparative ends of silicone.
- Finish with fixative
to the smooth last longer, go to the spray finish.
to the smooth last longer, go to the spray finish.
· Hydration Weekly
Many products require hydration for only three minutes of your bathroom ! Do not forget them.
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